
Children & orphans help Uganda

by Vigtherius

Children's Emergency Relief Page

Educational situation in Uganda. Half of the Ugandan population (approx. 37 million) are children under the age of 15 and approx. 60% are under the age of 18. Violence against children is still a major problem in Uganda. They suffer from sexual, physical and emotional violence - with serious consequences.

Our children and orphans

project in Uganda

Terror and violence from militias, malnutrition, poverty and a lack of education from schools and teachers are everyday life for most children in Uganda. With our local teams and partners, we create a safe place for orphans and families in Uganda. In addition to providing basic food and medical care, our facility also provides schooling and creates a path out of poverty.

Together we stand for a better future for children affected by poverty and need!

Our work on site

Our teams on site are committed every day to improving the living conditions of the children. In addition to providing accommodation and education, we also organize leisure activities that help children develop social skills and make friends. Sport, art and music are important parts of our program, offering the children joy and distraction from their often difficult life circumstances. In addition, we are committed to children's health by carrying out regular medical examinations and offering education about hygiene and nutrition. We believe that holistic care – physical, emotional and spiritual – is critical to every child’s development.

A light of hope:

The Vigtherius orphanage and school project in Uganda

Amid the challenges faced by many children in Uganda, the Vigtherius Orphanage and School Project shines as a light of hope. Our goal is to not only provide needy orphans with a safe home, but also to give them the opportunity to receive a quality education.

Fundraising campaigns, deliveries of relief goods and financial support for mothers, children and orphans are our daily work on site in addition to school education and lessons. We fight the problems of poverty and malnutrition at their roots and get children and young people off the streets. A regulated everyday life and the prospect of a better and safer life create prospects and hope.

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In order to fight future problems and grievances and to escape the spiral of violence, poverty and hopelessness, we have to work with our future! The children!

You too can help children in need! Become part of our sponsorship program and donate hope!

The orphanage:

A safe haven

Our orphanage in Uganda offers a loving and safe environment to children who have often had to live in extreme conditions. Here they not only find a roof over their heads, but also a family that takes care of their needs. Our dedicated caregivers ensure each child receives the individual attention they need to heal and grow.

Education as the key to the future

Education is the key to a better future, and that is why we have launched a comprehensive school project. In our own school we offer children access to high quality education tailored to their individual needs. Our curriculum includes not only basic subjects such as mathematics and language, but also creative subjects that develop children's self-confidence and talents.

Kids @school

Your help:

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Take on sponsorships!

Donations and financial aid!

Goods and donations in kind!

Sponsorship Program

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A singel Dollor spend hope!

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Sponsorship program:

Together for a better future

In order to support our work sustainably, we have launched a sponsorship program. By becoming a sponsor, you can directly help change a child's life. Your monthly support allows us to cover the costs of accommodation, food, education and medical care. Every sponsor has the opportunity to build a personal connection with “his” sponsored child. You will receive regular updates about the child's progress and can even exchange letters. This connection not only creates a sense of community, but also makes children feel valued and loved.

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Join us and support our mission!

The Vigtherius orphanage and school project is more than just a facility - it is a place of hope and a chance for a better future for many children. By choosing our sponsorship program, you are actively contributing to changing the life of an orphan.

Together we can make a positive change and give these children the opportunity to achieve their dreams! For more information about our sponsorship program and how you can help, visit our website or contact us directly.

Every child deserves a chance - let's make sure of it together!

Im Vigtherius vCharity Blog findest du alle unsere Projekte, Kampagnen, Initiativen und Programme, die sich mit wichtigen Themen wie Umwelt-, Natur- und Tierschutz sowie Kinder- und Waisenhilfe beschäftigen.

Wir setzen uns auch für humanitäre Hilfe und zahlreiche charitative Missionen ein.

Werde auch DU Teil der Mission! Angagiere dich jetzt! und hilf uns, positive Veränderungen in der Welt zu bewirken!

Alle Projekte und Kampagnen auf einen Blick!

vCharity Blog by Vigtherius

von Vigtherius Ordo e.V 28. November 2024
Wärme spenden by Vigtherius Gemeinsam für Menschen in Krisengebieten! In unserer Haupt- Produktionsmanufaktur in Zaporizhia stellen wir mit viel Hingabe handgefertigte Heizsysteme, Öfen, Wärme-Kerzen und Wärme-Fackeln aus wiederverwerteten Materialien her. Jedes Produkt wird sorgfältig gefertigt, um den Menschen in Not nicht nur Wärme, sondern auch ein Stück Hoffnung zu schenken. Unsere Mission ist es, die notleidende Zivilbevölkerung in Krisengebieten direkt zu unterstützen. Durch die Herstellung dieser Wärmequellen tragen wir dazu bei, dass Familien in schwierigen Lebenslagen nicht im Dunkeln und in der Kälte zurückgelassen werden. Unsere Produkte sind nicht nur funktional, sondern auch nachhaltig – sie zeigen, dass wir mit recycelten Materialien positive Veränderungen bewirken können.
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