Over 7.5 million children are affected by the war in Ukraine. The impact on their everyday lives is devastating: Over 1,000 children were injured or killed in the past year, many had to flee their homes or stay in bunkers for days.
Only together can we help children in need! That is why the Kinder & Waisenhilfe by Vigtherius works with its own teams on site and supplies and supports places and facilities for orphans and families with essential goods for their daily needs! Our teams also work on psychological support and evacuation of children in emergency situations.
In Zaporizhia, we look after orphans and mothers in our partner facility, most of whom had to flee from Mariupol, the Dombas and the front areas of eastern Ukraine and urgently need our help!
Together we stand for a better future for war-affected children!
Fundraisers, deliveries of relief goods and also financial support for mothers, children and orphans are our daily work on site. We give hope and work together for a better future for the weakest and most affected by war. The children!
The creation of a reasonably regulated and normal everyday life with classes, cooking together and activities between daily alarm sirens and evacuations in bunkers during artillery and rake attacks is an important aspect to give comfort and support to traumatized children.
A smile and the visible joy in children's eyes, whose life story is shaped by dramatic experiences and flight, is worth more than any wages.
You too can help children in need! Become part of our sponsorship program and donate hope!
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With a sponsorship you give children a sustainable chance. Help us! As a sponsor, you experience concretely and transparently how and where your help arrives!
Support us now. Every donation helps!
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