Together for people in crisis areas!
In our main production factory in Zaporizhia, we passionately produce handmade heating systems, stoves, heat candles and heat torches from recycled materials.
Each product is carefully crafted to give not only warmth but also a bit of hope to those in need. Our mission is to directly support the suffering civilian population in crisis areas. By producing these heat sources, we help ensure that families in difficult life situations are not left in the dark and cold. Our products are not only functional, but also sustainable
- they show that we can make positive changes with recycled materials.
Volunteer on site
Our dedicated volunteer teams use these handcrafted products in various locations around the world. Whether in Ukraine, in crisis regions of the Middle East or in other conflict-affected areas - our volunteers are there to distribute the warming candles and stoves directly to the people who need them most. They bring not only physical warmth, but also human closeness and support to communities. Through targeted operations and cooperation with local organizations, we ensure that our help reaches where it is needed most. The various products are distributed in emergency shelters, during relief operations and in refugee camps to provide people in crisis situations with a little light and warmth.
Join in and donate warmth!
Conveniently use the donation button from home!
Your support can make a real difference in the lives of people in crisis areas. Together we bring light and warmth into their hearts and help them overcome the challenges of everyday life!
Our home-made heating systems and ovens can also be purchased for a donation. We use the proceeds to finance the purchase of materials and raw materials that we need for our manufacture. The main contingent of our products is available for humanitarian aid and is delivered directly by our teams.
Our factory can currently produce several heating systems every day.
Production of our heating systems
The systems are manufactured in several components
Our material is 100 percent recycled
Our finished systems are brought to where they are needed!
Special systems are sold to finance our production
Handcrafted production
help for the population
100 percent recycled raw materials
In our aid program "Give Warmth", we produce our warming candles and torches from leftover wax, which we collect through appeals and targeted fundraising campaigns and deliver to our production sites.
You can be part of this mission now!
Contact us today and become part of the mission!
All products are recycled and handmade by us in our factory and locations.
wax recycling
Ready for transport
Leftover candles for production
Recycling for the heat candles
Ready for collection by the volunteer teams
Support us now. Every donation helps!
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