
Dogshelter Bali

by Vigtherius

Bali has more than 800,000 street dogs which are multiplying every day. There is a high risk of dog rabies in Bali. The disease can also be transmitted by bats or monkeys. The ever-growing population of street dogs not only poses a problem for the local population, but also affects the ecosystem and wild life of Bali's native animal species. Lack of medical care for stray animals also poses a significant risk to people and other animals.

  • Dogshelter Bali

    Expansion of accommodation for our dogs

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  • Shelter Dogs

    Support our Shelter Dogs with a food bowl!

    Food Bowl!
  • Dogshelter Bali

    On an exploratory tour together!

  • Dogshelter Bali

    Life in the Vigtherius Dogshelter.

  • Toghter!

    Cuddle time in the Vigtherius Dogshelter!

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  • Break time

    a short break in the food bowl!

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  • Care time!

    Nursing and medical care are an important part of the job!

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  • Quality time

    Animals and carers together!


Vigtherius Dogshelter

With teams on site, Vigtherius maintains its own shelter in Bali, which is constantly being expanded and expanded. The shelter currently provides a home for more than 240 animals. In addition to street dogs, the facility is also dedicated to general medical care and care for animals in emergency situations. The company's own teams on site work with local veterinarians and authorities and organize regular campaigns in which not only street dogs but also wild pets can be sterilized. This program serves to control the ever-growing street dog population and to curb the resulting problems for the ecosystem in Bali.

In addition to these campaigns, Vigtherius also runs an educational program with local schools and village communities to promote better interaction between people and animals.

Medical care and rescuing animals in need are the daily work of the Vigtherius teams in the shelter.

Vigtherius offers a sponsorship and placement project to offer the rescued animals a new and loving home and a better future.

Together we stand for a better coexistence between humans and animals!

Sponsorship and adoption program

Through our sponsorship program, individual animals and the shelter in general can be supported. Purchasing food, maintaining the shelter and providing medical care for the animals require constant financial support. As a sponsor, you help us work together to help animals in need.

The placement and adoption of street dogs into loving families is implemented with our adoption program. Vigtherius places targeted dogs after testing their own street dogs. Regular communication with the new dog parents, even after successful placement, helps both sides to ensure long-term animal welfare.

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Donations and financial help

Goods and donations in kind

Sponsorship project

Become a sponsor and support animals in need!

With a sponsorship you give animals new hope. Help! As a sponsor, you experience concretely and transparently how and where your help arrives!

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"Honest and visible gratitude from the rescued animals. A strong and emotional bond, an invisible connection between the animals and their helpers are the reward and the knowledge of having done something good in our work in animal protection."

- Daniela Vigtherius Animal Welfare Project Manager

You too can help street dogs! Become part of our sponsorship program and help animals in need!

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