Blue Planet - Project #PlasticFree

Blue Planet - Project #PlasticFree

by Vigtherius


"Be part of the solution, not part of the problem!"

Our project "Blue Planet" is actively dedicated to combating and preventing

the global plastic pollution and littering problem!

Plastic pollution is a global problem that affects us all! That's why we are working with our volunteer teams and various activism and information campaigns worldwide to fight against this crisis!

Join us now and become part of the solution!

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The global Plastic Crisis!

Plastic flood in the seas - Our oceans in danger

Every year, 300 million tons of plastic are produced, of which more than 10 million tons end up as garbage in the oceans. According to the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP), around 75 percent of all marine garbage is made up of plastic. Up to 18,000 pieces of plastic of various sizes float on every square kilometer of the ocean surface. But the visible garbage problem is just the tip of the iceberg. More than 90 percent of the garbage sinks to the seabed and remains hidden from our eyes. Plastic is almost imperishable in the sea and decomposes only slowly. The consequences are devastating: every year, up to 135,000 marine mammals and a million seabirds die as a result of plastic pollution. The animals starve with full stomachs because plastic clogs their digestive system. Many also get caught in old fishing nets and drown. A particularly dramatic phenomenon are the so-called garbage vortexes. Gigantic garbage patches, such as the "Great Pacific Garbage Patch" in the North Pacific, collect here in hydrographic eddies.

Plastic plague on land - a threat to our environment

Plastic has become one of the world's biggest environmental problems in recent decades. According to a study by the United Nations, humanity produces around 300 million tons of plastic waste every year - much of it ends up uncontrolled in nature. A study by the Federal Environment Agency shows that around 80 percent of plastic waste is disposed of on land. Far too often, packaging, films and disposable products end up in rivers, fields or forests. From there, the material inevitably ends up in soil and water. Plastic degrades very slowly and pollutes ecosystems for decades. It is estimated that a plastic bottle takes up to 450 years to completely decompose. In the meantime, it breaks down into small microplastic particles that are ingested by animals and end up in humans via the food chain. These microparticles pose a significant threat to the environment, wildlife and us humans. They pollute soil, water and the organisms that live there.

Every year, over 100,000 marine animals eat plastic, mistaking it for food. Many of them die a painful death. But the plastic problem is also taking on increasingly dramatic proportions on land.

From the European Alps to the Arctic:

A study by the Alfred Wegener Institute shows that microplastics have been detected even in remote regions of the Alps - a worrying sign of how far pollution has already spread.

For the survey, Arctic tourists collected waste during shore excursions on 14 remote Arctic beaches.

From 2016 to 2021, 23,000 parts were collected, weighing 1.62 tons.

80 percent of the waste collected is plastic waste.

Blue Planet - Project #PlasticFree

by Vigtherius


"Be part of the solution, not part of the problem!"

Clean up the planet!

With our teams and campaigns, we contribute to plastic waste disposal globally!

Collection Teams

Our volunteer teams collect worldwide in the oceans and

 Land plastic waste!


Join our campaigns and help eliminate plastic waste. Become part of our team!


Connect with us and help raise awareness about plastic pollution and how to avoid it!

How our project works

Blue Planet - Project #PlasticFree by Vigtherius to combat plastic pollution worldwide, works on different levels:

Education and awareness raising

  • Information campaigns on plastic avoidance and sustainable consumption
  • Workshops and educational opportunities in schools and communities
  • Public actions and activation programs for greater environmental awareness
  • Info and flyer campaign to raise awareness of the plastic waste problem

Promoting collection and recycling systems

  • Support in the development of effective disposal infrastructures in regions with inadequate waste management
  • Financial support and know-how transfer for innovative recycling technologies
  • Development of incentive programs to strengthen the circular economy

Cleanups and waste prevention

  • Organisation of beach clean-ups and river clean-ups
  • Promoting initiatives to reduce single-use plastic
  • Projects for the collection and recycling of plastic waste
  • #PlasticFree campaigns for collections and benefits
  • Support our volunteer teams in their work
  • Your project at Blauer Planet

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We are planning further pilot projects in cooperation with existing concepts for innovative solutions to avoid plastic!

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Plastic Pollution! A global problem that we must tackle together!

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