
donation page

Here you can find all donation information to support our work!

Do you want to help people and animals in need?

Do you want to contribute to environmental protection and a living planet?

Every contribution makes a difference! We are passionate about helping people and animals in need - from providing direct help on site in crisis areas to supporting local sustainable projects. With your help, we can give hope and change lives.

Support us directly and become part of the mission!

Volunteer werden? - be the change!

Why does your donation count?

Charitable and charitable work always has a financial aspect. Our volunteer teams, relief supplies, projects and campaigns cost time and money. As an aid organization, we are always dependent on donations! Support our work with a small amount, because every 1 euro counts! With your donation, you are not only helping one of our projects. With your donation, you become part of the mission and help us make the world a better place.Donate now!

We offer various platforms to support us with donations!


Fast and Easy: PayPal


Safe and Convenient: Stripe

bank transfer

Direct Help: Bank Transfer

subscription donations

Permanent support: standing orders

You can support us monthly with a sponsorship subscription!

Together we can achieve great things – a little more every month.

Your sponsorship makes the difference and we are grateful to you for that!

You want to contact us directly from your bank

or your online banking?

No problem!

Our bank information:

Account holder:

Vigtherius Ordo eV


BE88 9679 5858 0941



When making a donation, please indicate in the purpose field:

"Donate" or the name of the project you would like to support! This way we can better allocate your help and use it in a targeted manner.

blue planet - project #plasticfree

Plastic pollution is a global problem that affects us all! With volunteer teams, activism and information campaigns worldwide, we are fighting the plastic crisis!

Blue Planet Project

Donate warmth

With our hand-made ovens and warming candles, we support families in crisis areas and difficult life situations. We provide warmth, hope and a light in dark hours.

Donate warmth! by Vigtherius

vCare - donate a Box!

vCare supports people and animals in need! Uncomplicated help where it is really needed!

vCare Project





Our work needs your support!

So that we can help where help is urgently needed, we need YOU!

Become part of the mission! Your donation counts!

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All about Charity! Our projects at a glance!

vCare - donate a Box!

Our vCare Box program is the easy way to help!

Blue Planet - Project

Our "Blue Planet" project is actively dedicated to combating and preventing the global plastic pollution and littering problem! That's why we are working with our volunteer teams and various activism and information campaigns worldwide to fight against these crises!

Sponsorship & Ambassador Program

Support our various charity projects with a project sponsorship!

Children in Need Help

We #supportchildren and stand by our future! Our children! Delivery and organization of humanitarian aid, orphanages and sponsorship projects. We help children in need directly on site.

Empyreum Project The new form of togetherness!

Empyreum is for people who want an active or passive center of life within a community. Empyreum combines networking, community and autonomy.

Ukraine Aid by Vigtherius

We #supportUkraine and stand by the side of the Ukrainian people! Delivery and organization of humanitarian aid, relief supplies and special assistance. We help people directly on the ground.

Further projects in vCharity Blog

By Vigtherius Ordo e.V November 28, 2024
Wärme spenden by Vigtherius Gemeinsam für Menschen in Krisengebieten! In unserer Haupt- Produktionsmanufaktur in Zaporizhia stellen wir mit viel Hingabe handgefertigte Heizsysteme, Öfen, Wärme-Kerzen und Wärme-Fackeln aus wiederverwerteten Materialien her. Jedes Produkt wird sorgfältig gefertigt, um den Menschen in Not nicht nur Wärme, sondern auch ein Stück Hoffnung zu schenken. Unsere Mission ist es, die notleidende Zivilbevölkerung in Krisengebieten direkt zu unterstützen. Durch die Herstellung dieser Wärmequellen tragen wir dazu bei, dass Familien in schwierigen Lebenslagen nicht im Dunkeln und in der Kälte zurückgelassen werden. Unsere Produkte sind nicht nur funktional, sondern auch nachhaltig – sie zeigen, dass wir mit recycelten Materialien positive Veränderungen bewirken können.
By Vigtherius Ordo e.V November 28, 2024
Provide warmth by Vigtherius Together for people in crisis areas! In our main production factory in Zaporizhia, we passionately produce handmade heating systems, stoves, heat candles and heat torches from recycled materials. Each product is carefully crafted to give not only warmth but also a bit of hope to those in need. Our mission is to directly support the suffering civilian population in crisis areas. By producing these heat sources, we help ensure that families in difficult life situations are not left in the dark and cold. Our products are not only functional, but also sustainable - they show that we can make positive changes with recycled materials.
By Vigtherius Ordo e.V November 28, 2024
Ukraine Kinder & Waisenhilfe by Vigtherius
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