About Vigtherius

Vigtherius Ordo eV

Welcome to the Vigtherius Ordo - We are the Order of Modernity


- Natur- und Tierschutz                               

- Humanitäre Hilfe                                         
- Kultur und Tradition                                 
- Generationenarbeit 

We are worldwide:

We create community in all nations. Humans, animals and nature

are an inseparable unit. We,

the Vigtherius Ordo, are in the world

for the preservation and well-being of this unit.

We actively operate:

- educational work

- Social Networking
- Project management
- Project coordination

Working with Benefits:

Our companies operate economically and sustainably. We generate profits for our charitable activities. For more information about our activities, visit us on our website Vigtherius Group.

Charity Arbeit von Vigtherius


Our teams on site where help is needed!

Be the Change!


Tirelessly working for a better world!

Be the solution!

vCharity Blog by Vigtherius

By Vigtherius Ordo e.V November 28, 2024
Wärme spenden by Vigtherius Gemeinsam für Menschen in Krisengebieten! In unserer Haupt- Produktionsmanufaktur in Zaporizhia stellen wir mit viel Hingabe handgefertigte Heizsysteme, Öfen, Wärme-Kerzen und Wärme-Fackeln aus wiederverwerteten Materialien her. Jedes Produkt wird sorgfältig gefertigt, um den Menschen in Not nicht nur Wärme, sondern auch ein Stück Hoffnung zu schenken. Unsere Mission ist es, die notleidende Zivilbevölkerung in Krisengebieten direkt zu unterstützen. Durch die Herstellung dieser Wärmequellen tragen wir dazu bei, dass Familien in schwierigen Lebenslagen nicht im Dunkeln und in der Kälte zurückgelassen werden. Unsere Produkte sind nicht nur funktional, sondern auch nachhaltig – sie zeigen, dass wir mit recycelten Materialien positive Veränderungen bewirken können.
By Vigtherius Ordo e.V November 28, 2024
Provide warmth by Vigtherius Together for people in crisis areas! In our main production factory in Zaporizhia, we passionately produce handmade heating systems, stoves, heat candles and heat torches from recycled materials. Each product is carefully crafted to give not only warmth but also a bit of hope to those in need. Our mission is to directly support the suffering civilian population in crisis areas. By producing these heat sources, we help ensure that families in difficult life situations are not left in the dark and cold. Our products are not only functional, but also sustainable - they show that we can make positive changes with recycled materials.
By Vigtherius Ordo e.V November 28, 2024
Ukraine Kinder & Waisenhilfe by Vigtherius
By Vigtherius Ordo e.V November 28, 2024
Ukraine children & orphans aid by Vigtherius
By Vigtherius Ordo e.V November 28, 2024
Kinder und Waisen helfen Uganda by Vigtherius
By Vigtherius Ordo e.V November 28, 2024
Children & orphans help Uganda by Vigtherius
By Vigtherius Ordo e.V November 28, 2024
Dogshelter Bali by Vigtherius
By Vigtherius Ordo e.V November 28, 2024
Mit Teams vor Ort betreut Vigtherius auf Bali einen eigenen Shelter, der stetig ausgebaut und erweitert wird. Derzeit bietet der Shelter ein Zuhause für mehr als 240 Tiere. Neben Straßenhunden, widmet sich die Einrichtung außerdem der generellen medizinischen Versorgung und Betreuung von Tieren in Notsituationen.
By Vigtherius Ordo e.V November 28, 2024
C.HARGH ist ein Gemeinschafts- und Produktions- Zentrum Projekt des Vigtherius Ordo für gemeinschaftliches Leben und Arbeiten nach Kriterien der Ökonomie, Nachhaltigkeit, Gesundheit und Ernährung sowie Umwelt- und Tierschutz. Der Hauptschwerpunkt des Tagesgeschäfts ist hauptsächlich, der Anbau und die Zucht von Pflanzen, Fischen und Tieren in einem sich ergänzenden und selbst förderndem Kreislauf. Die Erforschung, Anwendung und Produktion von Cannabinoiden Produkten für den medizinischen sowie Hygiene/Körperpflegebereich und im Einsatzfeld bei der Tierzucht wird im Zentrum intern und durch kooperativen betrieben. Der Einsatz in verschiedenen Industriezweigen mit Zentrum eigenen Produktion im Hanf-Sektor und den anderen Produktionsfeldern machen C.HARGH zu einem unabhängig Wirtschafts- und Forschungs- Standort mit Gemeinschaftsoption im Empyreum Project. Grundstoffe und Ressourcen werden in der Einrichtung produziert und innovativ optimiert. Hierfür ist der Einsatz von modernsten Apparaturen und Maschinen vorgesehen, die sowohl selber entwickelt und vor Ort gebaut werden, auch in Kooperativen Lösungen mit anderen Firmen und Instituten. Zum Extrahieren und Isolieren von Substanzen und Stoffen wird ein eigenes chemisches Labor entstehen, in dem Fachkräfte die gewünschten Stoffe für die verschiedenen Aufgabenstellungen mittels chemischer Prozesse aus den Pflanzen heraus lösen und sie dann in konzentrierter Form zur Weiterverarbeitung in der Einrichtung nutzen oder an Abnehmer weiter geben. Gemeinsam sind Stark! Themenschwerpunkte im Zentrum sind: Aqua- und Hydro- Ponik Forschung und Entwicklung Hanf- und Nahrungsmittelproduktion Gesundheit und Ernährung
By Vigtherius Ordo e.V November 28, 2024
C.HARGH is a community and production center project of the Vigtherius Ordo for communal living and working according to criteria of economy, sustainability, health and nutrition as well as environmental and animal protection. The main focus of the day-to-day business is mainly the cultivation and breeding of plants, fish and animals in a complementary and self-promoting cycle. The research, application and production of cannabinoid products for the medical and hygiene/personal care sectors and in animal breeding are carried out internally and by cooperatives at the center. The use in various industrial sectors with a center of its own production in the hemp sector and the other production fields make C.HARGH an independent economic and research location with a community option in the Empyreum Project. Basic materials and resources are produced and innovatively optimized in the facility. For this purpose, the use of the most modern equipment and machines is planned, which are developed in-house and built on site, as well as in cooperative solutions with other companies and institutes. To extract and isolate substances and substances, a separate chemical laboratory will be created, in which specialists will remove the desired substances for various tasks from the plants using chemical processes and then use them in concentrated form for further processing in the facility or pass them on to customers. Together we are strong! The main topics at the center are: Aquaponics and hydroponics Research and Development Hemp and food production Health and nutrition

Uber den Vigtherius Ordo

The Vigtherius Ordo

The Vigtherius Ordo is a modern order that stands in the old traditions, values and virtues. The order sees itself as obliged to

to preserve the diversity of different cultures, traditions and peoples. As a shield and sword, it protects and defends them.
Respecting and preserving the culture, tradition, homeland and national identities of different peoples and nations promotes

peaceful coexistence and is the true path to a world full of peace and harmony between man and nature. As a keeper of history and

Culture, the order is cross-border, internationally active and wants to help with a real and local presence. Regardless of ethnic and geographical origin, everyone is welcome in the Vigtherius Ordo. The only decisive factors are independent action and mental attitude. Men and women have the same status within the order. The performance of duties and virtue are equally required of all members. Customs and culture are promoted and maintained individually alongside the four holidays.

What does Vigtherius Ordo mean?

The name Vigtherius Ordo is borrowed from Latin and stands for the

watchful guardian of the primordial tree “Vigtherius” and the unit “Ordo”.
Thus Vigtherius Ordo stands for: - The unity of the watchful guardians of the primordial tree -.

But what does that mean now?

The word “primordial tree”: once you have heard this word, it immediately seems very familiar

– at least as familiar as “jungle” and at least as well known as “great-grandfather”.

What is this ancient tree?

The primeval tree stands for a very old or very tall tree or the world tree,

which in the mythological narratives of many cultures and religions is the axis of
world and is thus a symbol of the cosmic order. This axis in the center of the worlds,

the so-called world axis (axis mundi), stands for the order of forces and symbolizes the
Balance of the elements. The world tree represents the pursuit
for harmony, wisdom and insight on all levels.

Vigtherius Ordo

A tree that is uprooted dies in the long run, no matter where it lies. The one who knows who he is and where he comes from is strong

and need not be afraid of the foreign and unknown. The aim of the Vigtherius Ordo is to preserve

of individuality and diversity in the countries and peoples of the world. We bring old traditions and wisdom into harmony with

of modernity and promote ecological sustainability. We act innovatively and motivatedly for the benefit of all.

Humans, animals and nature are an inseparable unity. The Vigtherius Ordo is active worldwide and plays a key role in the preservation and well-being of

This unit is in action. Sustainable, far-sighted and economical action is the responsibility of the

humanity and is the pillar of a safe and good future for us and our planet.

set goals


Sustainability is crucial to conserve our planet’s resources and maintain a livable environment for future generations.

It requires responsible action that takes into account the long-term consequences of our actions.


Ecology is the foundation of our ecosystem and plays an essential role in preserving biodiversity and maintaining natural cycles. Sustainable use of the environment is essential to preserve and secure the viability of our planet for us and future generations.


Freedom is a fundamental human right and one of the most important prerequisites for a self-determined and fulfilled life. It enables us to make our own decisions and shape our own path in life. The good of freedom is the driving force behind a respectful and peaceful relationship with ourselves and nature.


The family offers security, support and a feeling of belonging. It is an important social anchor and contributes significantly to the development and shaping of the individual. The protection and promotion of families is therefore of great social importance. The family is our identity and a core aspect of human existence.

What are our goals?

Vigtherius strives for a harmonious relationship between people and nature. The aim is to preserve and promote cultures, traditions and peoples on the basis of sustainability and ecological responsibility. The diverse differences between cultures and their people should be treated with respect and understanding. Strengthening and promoting cultural identities and families is a core aspect. Vigtherius is committed to a multicultural world of diversity in which nations and cultures can develop their traditional identity freely and without restriction. The cultural heritage should be preserved and further developed. The aim is a free world with flourishing, sovereign nations and peoples who live together in mutual respect, tolerance and in harmony with the environment. Preserving the cultural characteristics of the various ethnic groups is the top priority. Vigtherius wants to contribute to the positive development of humanity and promote an economically and ecologically sustainable coexistence between people and nature.

Vightherius wants to contribute to the positive development of humanity
and ensure an economical and respectful coexistence between man and nature.

Our philosophy

Respectful treatment and fairness towards one another.
Protection of the environment and nature, loyalty to creation, its diversity and
biodiversity. Preservation of tradition, cultivation of culture, honoring the

Knowledge. Stand up for traditional values with courage.

We want to give these life goals to people and bring them to them.

Our goal is to be together and strong instead of alone and abandoned.
It is important that the economy and profit of individuals are not
At the expense of nature and on the backs of others. Our goal
is social justice, peace and security for people and nature.

Vigtherius Ordo

Our guide:

"With honor and loyalty for justice, full of courage and bravery for the greater community. Vigtherius Nobiscum."

Always keep these virtues in your heart and mind,
and they will guide your actions. Be virtuous for your brothers
and sisters. Only those who are sincere and honest with themselves,
can be a measure for others and an example for them. And only
the one who is truly virtuous has the right to reward others for their
to rebuke mistakes. Honor where honor is due, always faithful to those
who are faithful, just to those who do righteousness, and courageous
how brave with you and those who are virtuous.

Vigtherius Ordo

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