Welcome to the Vigtherius Ordo - We are the Order of Modernity
We are worldwide:
We create community in all nations. Humans, animals and nature
are an inseparable unit. We,
the Vigtherius Ordo, are in the world
for the preservation and well-being of this unit.
Working with Benefits:
Our companies operate economically and sustainably. We generate profits for our charitable activities. For more information about our activities, visit us on our website
Vigtherius Group.
Wir kämpfen gegen die Wasserprivatisierung!
Im Einklang mit Natur und Geist
Kulturen und Traditionen in Ihrer Vielfalt bewahren!
Kulturen müssen bewahrt werden!
Für die Rechte der Ureinwohner!
Schamanische Zermonien und Traditionen!
Für den Erhalt von Kulturgütern!
Ursprüngliches Handwerk.
Bayrisches Brauchtum bewahren!
getanzte Tradition. Europa der Kulturen!
Kontinent der Kulturen!
Ursprüngliche Schönheit.
Heimat, Kultur, Traditionen...
Mythos Inka
Früher, heute und morgen. Für eine lebendige Kultur!
Für Gemeinschaftlichkeit!
International im Einsatz!
Für einen lebendigen Planeten!
Für die Zukunft und den erhalt unser Erde!
Antikes Erbe! Wiege der Moderne.
Nachhaltig, gesund und Gut!
Kulturgut Venedig! Europa der Traditionen!
Gemeinsam Hoffnung spenden! Für eine bessere Zukunft!
Die Jugend. Zukunft, Hoffnung und Chance!
Für Nachhaltigkeit und Ökologie!
Vergangene Wunder!
Resorcen sparendes Wirtschaften für eine gemeisame Zukunft!
Für die Stärkung und Wahrung der Familie!
Indigene Völker! Erhalt und Wahrung!
Lunge des Planeten!
Sustainability is crucial to conserve our planet’s resources and maintain a livable environment for future generations.
It requires responsible action that takes into account the long-term consequences of our actions.
Ecology is the foundation of our ecosystem and plays an essential role in preserving biodiversity and maintaining natural cycles. Sustainable use of the environment is essential to preserve and secure the viability of our planet for us and future generations.
Freedom is a fundamental human right and one of the most important prerequisites for a self-determined and fulfilled life. It enables us to make our own decisions and shape our own path in life. The good of freedom is the driving force behind a respectful and peaceful relationship with ourselves and nature.
The family offers security, support and a feeling of belonging. It is an important social anchor and contributes significantly to the development and shaping of the individual. The protection and promotion of families is therefore of great social importance. The family is our identity and a core aspect of human existence.
What are our goals?
Vigtherius strives for a harmonious relationship between people and nature. The aim is to preserve and promote cultures, traditions and peoples on the basis of sustainability and ecological responsibility. The diverse differences between cultures and their people should be treated with respect and understanding. Strengthening and promoting cultural identities and families is a core aspect. Vigtherius is committed to a multicultural world of diversity in which nations and cultures can develop their traditional identity freely and without restriction. The cultural heritage should be preserved and further developed. The aim is a free world with flourishing, sovereign nations and peoples who live together in mutual respect, tolerance and in harmony with the environment. Preserving the cultural characteristics of the various ethnic groups is the top priority. Vigtherius wants to contribute to the positive development of humanity and promote an economically and ecologically sustainable coexistence between people and nature.
Vightherius wants to contribute to the positive development of humanity
and ensure an economical and respectful coexistence between man and nature.
Respectful treatment and fairness towards one another.
Protection of the environment and nature, loyalty to creation, its diversity and
biodiversity. Preservation of tradition, cultivation of culture, honoring the
Knowledge. Stand up for traditional values with courage.
We want to give these life goals to people and bring them to them.
Our goal is to be together and strong instead of alone and abandoned.
It is important that the economy and profit of individuals are not
At the expense of nature and on the backs of others. Our goal
is social justice, peace and security for people and nature.
Vigtherius Ordo
Our guide:
"With honor and loyalty for justice, full of courage and bravery for the greater community. Vigtherius Nobiscum."
Always keep these virtues in your heart and mind,
and they will guide your actions. Be virtuous for your brothers
and sisters. Only those who are sincere and honest with themselves,
can be a measure for others and an example for them. And only
the one who is truly virtuous has the right to reward others for their
to rebuke mistakes. Honor where honor is due, always faithful to those
who are faithful, just to those who do righteousness, and courageous
how brave with you and those who are virtuous.
Vigtherius Ordo