
Indigenous peoples threatened worlds

Currently, between 300 and 500 million members of indigenous peoples are estimated to live in more than 70 countries worldwide. Among these peoples, among others, The Indians of North and South America, the Inuit of the Polar Region, the Sami in Northern Europe, the Aboriginal in Australia and the Maori in New Zealand. The progress, the mass migration of the last centuries and many other factors have led to the fact that most people have lost their roots and their natural connection with nature.

Some 5,000 geographically, culturally and linguistically different groups of indigenous peoples are distinguished, they have their own ethnic and religious worldviews and still live in their own tribal areas. Most of these are isolated areas, uninhabited by modern economic systems, in the ecologically sensitive still original parts of the earth; In deserts and dry areas, in tundra and taiga, in tropical rainforests and in mountainous regions.

Despite our realization that the modern way of life does not leave a future for future generations, indigenous peoples are being eradicated world-wide, who have been able to live without their lives in their habitat since the beginning. Individual cultures with their own language, way of life, way of thinking, and also the knowledge about gentle rainforest use are eradicated.

Our world, which is called civilized, destroys and destroys systematically living spaces to satisfy our thirst and hunger for luxury Rostoffen and modernism. Artificially caught in habitats and their ecosystems are disturbed and damaged. Basic rights in our culture, such as self-determination and freedom, are simply denied to most indigenous peoples when they try to defend their habitat. We call our system civilized and measure with our scale development. However, if a society that needs an irresponsible energy and raw material turnover with world - wide robbery for the "day - to - day business" is more developed than a Yanomami community that lives "from hand to mouth"

- that is, of what can permanently give its environment? Is a work-sharing society, in which people are sick in the dull-witted production process, so much more desirable than a culture in which every one can make the entire inventory of daily use itself and completely?

Unfortunately, it is part of the alleged belief in progress that all people must have access to luxury and the "possibilities" of technologically advanced cultures that dominate the world. Most indigenous peoples, however, want their traditional


The brutal intervention in the tribal areas by governments and corporations with the intention of using forests, mineral resources, water and land for the quick profit leaves the indigenes often no choice.

This "progress" leaves behind altered and destroyed ecosystems - polluted waters, eroded soils, plundered forests and incursions for settlers who bring diseases and the expulsion of aborigines.

Our goal is to protect indigenous peoples worldwide, to support organizations that support them and to provide education.

Please help us! Living in harmony with nature is a wisdom we should all learn!

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Vigtherius Ordo e.V

The protection of the peoples is an important task. For biodiversity and understanding

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