
עץ Tree Project Israel

  • עץ Tree Project

    A sign of understanding and respect!

  • The holy city of Jerusalem

    Jerusalem looks back on 3,800 years of history and plays an important role in 3 world religions!

  • The Ark of the Covenant

    Made of acacia wood and gold, it is said to have contained the stone tablets with the Ten Commandments and symbolized God's covenant with the people of Israel.

  • Tora

    Around 440 BC The Pentateuch was canonized as the Torah in the 4th century BC and has since formed the main part of the Tanakh with a normative character for the Jewish religion.

  • Anti-Semitism

    A recurring global problem!

  • Bildtitel

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The עץ Tree Project Israel iis a Vigtherius campaign to provide information and prevention against anti-Semitism in Europe and worldwide.

In today's world and the demographic changes of nations, anti-Semitism is an increasingly common problem that is not only imported by new cultural circles, but is also actively pushed and fueled by prejudices and old thought patterns.


עץ Tree Project: A symbol against anti-Semitism

Anti-Semitism is a deep-rooted and global problem that persists in many societies. From discriminatory stereotypes to violent attacks, the challenges facing Jewish communities are diverse and often harrowing.

The  "עץ Tree Project"  actively campaigns against anti-Semitism while promoting the cultural heritage of Jewish communities worldwide.


A Global Phenomenon According to the Anti-Defamation League's (ADL) 2022 Anti-Semitism Report, anti-Semitism is on the rise in many parts of the world. The study shows that anti-Semitic incidents have increased in Europe, North America and beyond. In Germany, for example, there were over 3,000 reported anti-Semitic crimes in 2021, representing a worrying increase. Jewish communities, particularly in countries such as France and Hungary, are confronted with growing anti-Semitism, while in countries such as Iran and Syria the Jewish faith is severely suppressed.

The עץ Tree Project: A beacon of hope

The "עץ Tree Project" was created to send a strong message against anti-Semitism and at the same time honor the cultural heritage of Jewish communities. By planting trees in different regions, we not only want to protect the environment, but also create a symbol of life and hope. Each tree represents the resilience and unwavering spirit of Jewish communities that have survived through centuries of persecution and discrimination. The trees will be planted in places that have special significance for Jewish history and will serve as living monuments.

Cultural heritage of the Jewish communities

The cultural heritage of Jewish communities is rich and diverse. It includes traditions, languages, art and music developed over centuries. Of particular note is the "Yiddish language", which emerged in the Middle Ages and is a mixture of German, Hebrew and Slavic languages. Yiddish is not only a language, but also an expression of Jewish identity and culture, which is rooted in many European countries. Historically, Jewish communities have played a significant role in the development of the West. From the Jews of ancient Rome to the Jewish philosophers of the Enlightenment, such as Spinoza and Mendelssohn, they have contributed to the intellectual and cultural landscape of Europe. Today there are an estimated 14 million Jews worldwide, with large communities in the United States, Israel, France, Canada and the United Kingdom.

Information campaigns and open discussions

In order to effectively combat anti-Semitism, we rely on information campaigns and open discussion groups that promote intercultural exchange. These initiatives provide platforms to reduce prejudice, share knowledge and raise awareness of Jewish culture and history. Through workshops, discussions and cultural events, we aim to highlight the diversity and contributions of Jewish communities. These conversations allow people from different backgrounds to share their experiences and develop a better understanding of each other. By shedding light on the stories and traditions of the Jewish communities, we help promote respectful coexistence and counter anti-Semitism.

Together against anti-Semitism

The "עץ Tree Project" invites everyone to get involved. Whether through donations, volunteer work or participation in our events - every support counts. **Let's make a statement together!** By planting trees, we not only honor the cultural heritage of the Jewish communities, but also send a clear message against anti-Semitism. Every tree we plant is a step towards a more just and respectful world.

For more information about the עץ Tree Project by Vigtherius and how you can help, contact us directly and follow our social media.

Together we can make a positive change!

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