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The Vigtherius Needy Tree Project
The Vigtherius Needy Tree
Since 2015, we are setting up our needy trees during the cold season. In the municipality of Gilching stands the first of these trees in was at Kiltrahingerstr. Corner Hochstift-Freisinger Platz.
Its branches carry things for people who are particularly hard in the cold season. The needy tree is a project in which everyone can participate. It can be easily adjusted with e.g. Scarves, socks, gloves, blankets and other small touches, which need the needy and our homeless. And of course you can also do things yourself!
We hope that this time again many people participate. Thank you so much!
If you want to create a needy tree with you we will help you with the implementation. Just contact us via e-mail. We will spread your tree on the Internet and post where it is.
Please add your tree with "# Address your Tree" in one of our posts in Facebook.
Support our Project!
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