security guard

security services

The perfect choice for private and commercial security needs. The partners of the Corporate Group.

Personal security for objects and properties, integration into our area with inspection, opening and closing trips. Alarm activation and intervention. Personal and event security. Gates and reception services. With us you get everything from a single source.

Your safety! Our claim!

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Security Management - Patrol and Alarm Service

Burglary, vandalism and theft as well as damage caused by fire or water not only cause personal nuisance but also cost you a lot of time and money.

Concentrate on what’s important and leave the security to us!

Integration into existing patrol areas and the associated patrols by our Corporate Group offers you prevention, early response and a cheaper alternative to costly personal security.

An alarm connection to the control centers further increases the safety factor

  • NSL

    100 % erreichbar mit unser Leitstelle

  • patrol duty

    Für jede Gelegenheit!

  • Fully mobile

    mit unserem Revierdienst

  • a good team

    setzen Sie auf einen starken Partner!


police station

An alarm and patrol team ensures more security!

Inspection trips at fixed times or at variable times. A territory integration offers control, prevention and a quick response in the event of damage. A territory integration is always a good choice!

security guard

The highest level of security is provided by personal security guards. The presence of well-trained and qualified employees makes damage almost impossible. The cost-intensive option for the highest level of security.

Corporate Group by Vigtherius - Security made in Germany !

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