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Do you want to help people and animals in need?

Do you want to contribute to environmental protection and a living planet?

Start your journey and become part of the mission now!

Vigtherius runs and promotes projects worldwide on the topics

Environmental and animal protection, humanitarian aid and much more!

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All our projects at a glance!

vCare - the easy way to help!

Our vCare Box program is the easy way to help!

Donate one of our vCare boxes online and from the comfort of your own home in our shop and help directly on site with our volunteer teams where help is urgently needed! Our boxes help people and animals in need!

You too can help and become part of the mission! Donate now!

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Blue Planet - Project #PlasticFree

Our "Blue Planet" project is actively dedicated to combating and preventing the global plastic pollution and littering problem! That's why we are working with our volunteer teams and various activism and information campaigns worldwide to fight against these crises!

Join us now and become part of the solution!

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Project Sponsor & Charity Ambassador

Support our various charity projects with a project sponsorship!

Become a charity ambassador and get involved in various charity projects!

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Children & Orphan Aid

We #supportchildrenand stand by ourFuture! Our children!Delivery and organization of humanitarian aid, orphanages and sponsorship projects. We help children in need directly on site.

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Empyrean Project

The new form of togetherness!

Empyreum is for people who want an active or passive center of life within a community. Empyreum combines networking, community and autonomy.
A platform for housing projects and those seeking community.

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Ukraine Aid Mission

by Vigtherius

We #supportUkraineand stand by the side of the Ukrainian people! Delivery and organization of humanitarian aid, relief supplies and special assistance. We help people directly on the ground.

Heat candles and stoves manufacturing, orphan aid and more!

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Other charity projects

By Vigtherius Ordo e.V 21 Apr, 2024
Dogshelter Bali by Vigtherius - Eine Heimat für Tiere in Not! Der Dogshelter Bali ist ein Projekt zum Thema Straßenhunde mit Patenschaft und Adoptions Optionen. Vom Shelter aus werden Tiere in Not gerettet, versorgt und vermittelt. Der Shelter beherbergt mehr als 240 Tiere und betreibt neben aufklärungs und Info Kampgnen für die örtliche Bevölkerung auch medizinische Versorgung von Tieren in Not.
By Vigtherius Ordo e.V 28 Jul, 2023
Children & orphans help Uganda by Vigtherius
By Vigtherius Ordo e.V 28 Jul, 2023
Kinder & Waisenhilfe Uganda by Vigtherius
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