
Project Empyreum

by Vigtherius

The Empyreum Project united

all Vigtherius Commanderies

worldwide. Any community project

and each village location receive the special attention of the Vigtherius Ordo and are thereby constantly promoted and expanded in order to

their self-sufficiency and uniqueness


Under Empyreum we offer several options not only for members of the

Vigtherius Order, but also for anyone interested.

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The Options:

Besides the 3 basic options,

includes Empyreum also one

another variant:

the "Activation Service".

Basic options:

  1. Personal involvement within       the communities
  2. Share and financing plan
  3. Residence option

Special variant:

Special option for the exclusive site construction and activation service.

already existing, external communities, new concepts under construction, as well as those still in the planning phase Structures can be simple and easily integrated into the

"Project Empyreum", planned and implemented.

Empyreum Project Site

Personal contribution?

What du you bring / What awaits you...

You bring to the community:

personal skills and

Talents are adaptability

and can you in new

deal with situations.

As a "team player" you can get involved in your community and get along well with like-minded people!

For you, values, cohesion and the common good are within the

group important.

What awaits you in the community:

You live self-sufficient, self-determined and free within our community with like-minded people!

A community that not only appreciates your skills and talents, but also develops them further!

A consolidated and strong group with a sense of community and homogeneity!

At best you are also: M/F

craftsman, engineer,

doctor, teacher, agricultural

engineer etc...

Share and financing plan

The share and financing plan gives you a percentage of the total

Volume of the site and

To be involved in productivity levels. The total volume is measured

Depending on the location, individually at the respective value. The share plan also guarantees a possible acute subsidiary protection measure

also within others

Locations in the event of hazards.

Support Empyreum now!

Donation Account

Residence Option

With several options, interested parties have the option of a residence option in each of the self-sufficient and unique locations. This option is divided into 4 Categories that can be "rebooked" at any time.

The categories:

  • Gold finish

A residence option with 24/7 residency option. "All inclusive" variant with complete Catering, service and safety guarantee in the "Alpha" category locations.

  • Premium Variant

The Residence Option with 24/7 residency option.

"All inclusive" variant with full board, service.

  • Advanced Option

Residence option with 24/7 residency and limited supplies and service options.

  • Standard Version

A residence living stay Option

without additional option.

Construction and activation service

The construction and activation


offers the possibility to integrate existing projects within Empyreum, as well as properties and areas for new projects open up. Existing areas, courtyards or properties can be put into operation with development and construction concepts be taken. The locations are planned and set up dynamically, independently and self-sufficiently. Existing Commanderies can be adapted and switched on. The planning phase sets the three

options ahead. connection of Existing projects is possible at any time.

Get in touch with us!

Im Vigtherius vCharity Blog findest du alle unsere Projekte, Kampagnen, Initiativen und Programme, die sich mit wichtigen Themen wie Umwelt-, Natur- und Tierschutz sowie Kinder- und Waisenhilfe beschäftigen.

Wir setzen uns auch für humanitäre Hilfe und zahlreiche charitative Missionen ein.

Werde auch DU Teil der Mission! Angagiere dich jetzt! und hilf uns, positive Veränderungen in der Welt zu bewirken!

Alle Projekte und Kampagnen auf einen Blick!

vCharity Blog by Vigtherius

von Vigtherius Ordo e.V 28. November 2024
Wärme spenden by Vigtherius Gemeinsam für Menschen in Krisengebieten! In unserer Haupt- Produktionsmanufaktur in Zaporizhia stellen wir mit viel Hingabe handgefertigte Heizsysteme, Öfen, Wärme-Kerzen und Wärme-Fackeln aus wiederverwerteten Materialien her. Jedes Produkt wird sorgfältig gefertigt, um den Menschen in Not nicht nur Wärme, sondern auch ein Stück Hoffnung zu schenken. Unsere Mission ist es, die notleidende Zivilbevölkerung in Krisengebieten direkt zu unterstützen. Durch die Herstellung dieser Wärmequellen tragen wir dazu bei, dass Familien in schwierigen Lebenslagen nicht im Dunkeln und in der Kälte zurückgelassen werden. Unsere Produkte sind nicht nur funktional, sondern auch nachhaltig – sie zeigen, dass wir mit recycelten Materialien positive Veränderungen bewirken können.
von Vigtherius Ordo e.V 28. November 2024
Provide warmth by Vigtherius Together for people in crisis areas! In our main production factory in Zaporizhia, we passionately produce handmade heating systems, stoves, heat candles and heat torches from recycled materials. Each product is carefully crafted to give not only warmth but also a bit of hope to those in need. Our mission is to directly support the suffering civilian population in crisis areas. By producing these heat sources, we help ensure that families in difficult life situations are not left in the dark and cold. Our products are not only functional, but also sustainable - they show that we can make positive changes with recycled materials.
von Vigtherius Ordo e.V 28. November 2024
Ukraine Kinder & Waisenhilfe by Vigtherius
von Vigtherius Ordo e.V 28. November 2024
Ukraine children & orphans aid by Vigtherius
von Vigtherius Ordo e.V 28. November 2024
Kinder und Waisen helfen Uganda by Vigtherius
von Vigtherius Ordo e.V 28. November 2024
Children & orphans help Uganda by Vigtherius
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