
Ukraine Aid Mission! by Vigtherius

"The most worst thing about any war is that people tend to accept it as a natural phenomenon - such as a lightning strike, an earthquake, a flash flood - when in fact it is an enterprise prepared with their own tolerance and with the help of human hands where the safest places are reserved for the initiators and managers."

- Quote Sigmund Graff / German writer and playwright

It is our shared responsibility in times of need to help those who need it most! The situation in Ukraine has deteriorated dramatically. The lives and welfare of civilians, including 7.5 million children are in acute danger.

Especially the children and families need our help in the current crisis. Vigtherius is therefore now stepping up his commitment to the local people. We urgently call for protecting women, children and the elderly in particular and ensuring that relief supplies and humanitarian aid can reach people in need safely and quickly.

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  • Refugges

    Thousands of people are currently fleeing the raging conflict! Like here with the trains...

  • Familys

    Families walk for miles to escape the fighting!

  • relief supplies

    Hygiene items, bandages, medicines, sleeping bags, clothing, food

    and much more, are urgently needed on site!

  • attack on residential areas

    Attacks on blocks of flats traumatize and frighten the population badly!

  • children

    The little ones suffer the most from the war!


The Ukraine-Russia conflict began in 2014, which culminated with the invasion of the Russian army and its allies on February 23, 2022. Hundreds of thousands of people are now displaced, homeless, traumatized and suffering in the areas immediately affected by the fighting. This new humanitarian catastrophe hits the civilian population and especially the smallest of society, the children, hard! Countless people have already lost their homes and their lives. Women, children, the elderly and the weak are all affected in this war!

Relief supplies are urgently needed

The families on the run now need the essentials. Our helpers organize and distribute in the border regions and on site, among other things:

  • Hygiene products
  • towels and blankets
  • Gas burner for keeping warm
  • Batteries, for example for flashlights
  • fuel & petrol
  • First Aid Kits

We need you! Help us so we can help!

Already in 2014, the Vigtherius Ordo e.V organized relief supplies for the people in Ukraine. Our member Christof Kruppa was there at the time and is leading our aid mission again this time.

This time, the relief mission will focus on transporting relief supplies to the border region, as well as on-site humanitarian aid.

Vigtherius will provide active support directly in Ukraine and in the neighboring countries that take in refugees.

Visit our website section for our service mission. You can find support options, lists of required donations in kind and funds as well as information and news about our campaigns here. Simply select the button "Ukraine Aid Mission - Site" and get active with us today! Together for the people in need in Ukraine.

Ukraine Aid Mission - Site

Your donation counts!

Donation Account

Please support our mission with your donation and send a sign of solidarity and hope for the families, women and children of Ukraine. Thanks very much!

Support us now!

Im Vigtherius vCharity Blog findest du alle unsere Projekte, Kampagnen, Initiativen und Programme, die sich mit wichtigen Themen wie Umwelt-, Natur- und Tierschutz sowie Kinder- und Waisenhilfe beschäftigen.

Wir setzen uns auch für humanitäre Hilfe und zahlreiche charitative Missionen ein.

Werde auch DU Teil der Mission! Angagiere dich jetzt! und hilf uns, positive Veränderungen in der Welt zu bewirken!

Alle Projekte und Kampagnen auf einen Blick!

vCharity Blog by Vigtherius

von Vigtherius Ordo e.V 28. November 2024
Wärme spenden by Vigtherius Gemeinsam für Menschen in Krisengebieten! In unserer Haupt- Produktionsmanufaktur in Zaporizhia stellen wir mit viel Hingabe handgefertigte Heizsysteme, Öfen, Wärme-Kerzen und Wärme-Fackeln aus wiederverwerteten Materialien her. Jedes Produkt wird sorgfältig gefertigt, um den Menschen in Not nicht nur Wärme, sondern auch ein Stück Hoffnung zu schenken. Unsere Mission ist es, die notleidende Zivilbevölkerung in Krisengebieten direkt zu unterstützen. Durch die Herstellung dieser Wärmequellen tragen wir dazu bei, dass Familien in schwierigen Lebenslagen nicht im Dunkeln und in der Kälte zurückgelassen werden. Unsere Produkte sind nicht nur funktional, sondern auch nachhaltig – sie zeigen, dass wir mit recycelten Materialien positive Veränderungen bewirken können.
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