
Waisenhilfe Ukraine Nr 2 Jenakiewo

Support the orphanage Nr 2 Jenakiewo

The conflict between the Ukrainian Putsch government and the two Seperatist Republics of Donetsk and Lugansk in the Donesk Basin is particularly acute among the civilian population.

In the region around the Donbass the battles currently rage particularly strongly. Many children are directly affected by the fighting and become orphans. We the Vigtherius Ordo e.V would like to help these children with a little gesture in a little distraction from their bad situation.

During our visit in July we were able to get a picture on the spot and now we start with a local volunteer camp for an orphanage in Jenakiewo. We have sent as a first measure for Christmas from the children desired little things to the orphanage Nr 2. Next, there are plans for further aid with hygiene articles and other relief supplies.

On 04.11.16 we sent Christmas presents and supplies in a bus from the ZOB in Munich. The bus leaves from Munich to Kharkov in the Ukraine, from there to Donetsk and finally to Jenakiewo where the Orphanage No. 2 is located.

Please help us with our help projects.

In the future, we plan to support the orphanage permanently.

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Vigtherius Ordo e.V

In the image Order Praefect C. Kruppa in Kiev on site

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vCharity Blog by Vigtherius

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